Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Tips to crack GD of top MBA colleges in India- Part 1

Are you striving to get admission in one of the top MBA colleges in India? Then scoring well in CAT will not suffice. Most MBA aspirants buckle up and study hard. Their key focus is only on time management, building vocab and eliminating errors in calculation. It takes a sturdy preparation to beat the exam and score better than the rest striving to take admission in the best MBA courses in Delhi. However, what escapes our attention is an essential phase of the admission process: Group Discussions. So, here are some tips which when combined with hard work, are sure to furnish results. These tips are divided into two parts- what you need to do in a GD, but firstly, what you need in order to be able to do that. Here is the part 1 read on my next post once you have mastered these tricks.
IILM :- MBA courses in Delhi
• Polish your communication skills in English. You know the language by now to crack the verbal ability section, so it is time now that you started practicing oral communication. You can join classes for spoken English if you need help; or if you only need to overcome the hesitation then converse with your friends in the language and practice in front of a mirror.
• A clear structure of thoughts is the next thing you need to master. Thoughts, lost and confused are more likely to get lost in the mayhem when everyone is trying to make their points. A simple theory if clearly expressed can fetch you more points than a complicated blabber which fails to make any point clearly; diplomacy isn’t the key to a GD. Take up some debatable current affair topics and question yourself, “How do I feel about it”. Try to have a steady mind-set about anything instead of swivelling between two different lines of thoughts, says an expert at one of the top MBA colleges in India
• Now when you have trained yourself to quickly form brief and steady ideas about anything, try to narrate it to yourself in a crisp and brief language, without making use of the fillers. You would automatically notice a boost in self-confidence when you’ll get in practice of doing it.

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