Tuesday, 28 November 2017

22nd Convocation of the Post-Graduate Diploma in Management Program

IILM celebrated 22nd Convocation of the PGDM at its Lodhi Road Campus on 25th August 2017. 296 students from IILM Graduate School of Management, Greater Noida, IILM Institute for Business and Management, Gurgaon and IILM Institute for Higher Education, New Delhi were conferred their PG Diplomas in Management.
Mr. Bharat Kaushal, Managing Director, Hitachi India Private Limited was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Mr. Kaushal has the unique distinction of being the first Indian Managing Director of Hitachi. A distinguished business professional, Mr Kaushal has over 25 years of industry experience specializing in macroeconomic policy, government advisory, project finance, debt restructuring as well as in mergers and acquisitions. He is an alumnus of Columbia University where he pursued Masters in International Affairs and Northeastern University where he secured his Masters in Business Administration. He graduated from St Stephen's College, Delhi. 

Message from the Chief Guest, Mr. Bharat Kaushal, Managing Director, Hitachi India Private Limited

In his address, Mr. Kaushalcongratulated the young graduates and said that, “We could not have asked for a bigger blessing for the day than Ganesh Chaturthi. This is may be the most auspicious signal for you all. It is a privilege for me to be here on the day of Convocation of an academic institution. I think an academic institution is one of the highest points of recognition that one receives personally as a part of their own growth. My association with IILM was born in 1993. I have known it reaching many several pedestals and I think it is also important to thank for the important roles played by the younger generation of the Rai family. Anand and Aarti, thank you very much for your contribution.

I was in a flight about one and a half hours ago before I came here and I was thinking what to say to this smart lot of graduating people who are already very intelligent. And I said to myself that maybe I should not leave them with theory, but share something about what I have learnt in my own life’s journey. Some of the observations I have may be relevant for today and some of those may be used as you get on in life. 

The first thing that I want to share with you today is that you must always set a goalpost for yourself. This is a water ship moment. You have culminated whole lot of learning that has gone on until today and you embark on upon a sort of really big opportunity from your own businesses to envisioning new ideas, starting up your own ventures, to companies and institutions where you will find jobs and work and learn in every sphere. But leadership is an important goalpost and the only way to set that goalpost is to start taking ownership from the first day. You have to put your heart in where your mind is. Not every job is going to be intellectually fertile or stimulating. But it is important to take ownership of what you believe in. You will learn that not every position is about CEO’s job.

Leadership is the most important aspect of every job and so you have to pay attention to your work as though it is your own company. And finally, somewhere recognition for your sincerity will fall in place. The other thing that I want to say is about learning continuously. You must build on yourself constantly. I am standing in front of you. I am going through a reinvention myself. Even at 49 years of age, I put efforts to constantly learn and reinvent myself more and more. In the end, I will talk about social evolution. If we look at this whole evolution that we have been undergoing, it has always been a balance of continuity and change. But just this time, the word progressive disruption has made the whole thing change so much that we have altogether different perspectives about this is how education, skilling, work and everything else around us should be. You should always be ready to deal with the rapidly evolving environment. 

And like I have said, some of the things I have shared with you may be relevant today and some of them are those on which you can reflect upon and use them later in life. But the most important thing to remember in life is that things have their own way of finding a course to reach you. And everything doesn’t have to be planned. Of course, you have to be diligent and keep organising yourself for tomorrow. The opportunities are opening and it is nothing like before. I come from a humble background and I went to St. Stephen’s College thinking that I will join the Civil Services. But then things changed entirely and this is where I have landed up today. But definitely about my interest in India, and this is also what I say to my Japanese colleagues all the time, is that I am good person to be your team is because I am a very proud Indian.

I have come here to be a part of your celebration and to share with you that you need to believe in yourself and go ahead in life. God bless you!

Awards and Recognition

The Chief Guest, Mr. Bharat Kaushal and Mrs. Malvika Rai presented Gold and Silver Medals to the toppers from three Campuses. The winners of the Gold and Silver Medals respectively were Navneet Kaur and Lochan Surana from New Delhi Campus, Shubham Agarwal and Sagnik Das from Gurgaon Campus and Joseph Davis and Sajib Dhar from Greater Noida Campus.

Summer Internship (SIP) has always been an integral part of the Curriculum at IILM Top MBA College in Delhi. It has proved to be instrumental in enhancing the credentials of the students and also in fetching them a fulltime job. Mr. Bharat Kaushal extended the award to Pooja Falwariya from IILM Institute for Higher Education, New Delhi. She did Internship on Human Resources Practices (Talent Acquisition) at Marks & Spencer. Best SIP award from IILM Institute for Business and Management, Gurgaon was extended to Sagnik Das for Internship on Marketing Assessment of Bakery Fats Cargill India Private Limited. Best SIP award from IILM Graduate School of Management, Greater Noida went to Mansi Singh for Internship on Big Data Analysis at Benzara. 
IILM honoured six faculty members with the Excellence in Teaching Award. The faculty who won the award for teaching core modules are Prof. Rajkishan Nair (Greater Noida Campus), Prof. Ruchi Shah (Gurgaon Campus) and Prof. Rahul Mishra (Lodhi Road Campus). The faculty who won the award for teaching elective modules are Prof. Raju Majumdar (Greater Noida Campus), Prof. Pinky Goswami (Gurgaon Campus) and Prof. Devika Sharma (Lodhi Road Campus). The Award winners expressed their joy and gratitude to students as they mentioned that this day would not have been possible without a successful partnership with them. They also thanked the Management for providing them with a platform to exhibit their knowledge and skills and recognising their efforts.
IILM, one of the Top B School In India also nurtures the tradition of recognising its senior alumni every year. This year, Dr. Smitha Girija welcomed Mr. Anil V Vallecha, Senior Service Delivery – Financial Operations, American Express. Mr. Vallecha is IILM alumnus from the Class of 1998. Mrs. Malvika Rai, Chairperson, IILM, presented an award to him. Mr. Vallecha took pride in recollecting his memories at IILM and mentioned that “I have spent the two most eventful, exciting and action packed and professionally enriching years of my student life which forms the foundation of where we are going in future. You have a rock-solid launch pad and an establishment to take you further. Take risks with your careers, take risks with your capabilities, get out of your comfort zone and take on responsibilities which you think you will not be able to accomplish, believe me you will be surprised.”

Annual Report

Dr. Smitha Girija, Director PGDM course took the opportunity to highlight some of the major achievements of the Institute with the audience.

She mentioned that the Association of Management Development Institutes of South Asia (AMDISA) has awarded the prestigious SAQS Re-accreditation to Aicte approved college IILM for a period of 5 years and IILM’s Greater Noida Campus has been re-accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). IILM is also a member of the United Nations Global Compact Initiative - "PRME", and has earned the coveted 'Champion business school' status. This year in July during the Global Forum in New York, PRME launched the India Chapter. 

IILM has set up a Centre for Excellence in Family Business which is an institutional member of Family Firm Institute, Chicago. The Centre aims atresearch and training, discussions through conferences and seminars which will help its family-business students, alumni and parents.IILM has also constituted an Entrepreneurship Development Centre with the primary aim of encouraging entrepreneurial mind-set among students. 

Another integral part of the PGDM curriculum is the Global Study Program. The students get the opportunityto learn at IILM’s partner schools in Germany, France, Spain and Canada for four weeks and acquire global exposure, which has proved to be of great value to the students. 

Message from the Directors PGDM

Prof. Smitha Girija, Director of IILM Institute for Higher Educationin her inspiring words said to the students,“The world you inherit poses great challenges and huge responsibilities. Change is inevitable, whether you want it or not. The institute through our curriculum has tried to promote individuality and innovative thinking. This would help you to be the architects of a new world.  Do remember you belong to a small group who are equipped to take such challenging role. This goes beyond having a job in a company or any other organization. This requires you to remain connected with the society. Embrace the challenges and get ahead of the change. We are all excited to watch you as you step into the real world and become creators of the future.”

Prof. Taruna Gautam, Director ofIILM Graduate School of Management, Greater Noidawished many happy returns to the students and said “Convocation is an opportunity to come together and take a resolve to move forward. As you proceed in your lives I hope you will continue to learn and reflect upon how you are changing even as you change the world around you. I am sure you will treasure all the efforts that others have put in to get you to where you are in your life now. Remember to thank those who supported you and return that by supporting others to achieve their best. This is not the end of your learning rather you are now going from a closed and protected classroom, to an open classroom. Keep the student mindset alive in you, so that you can scale greater heights in your profession. Your success is going to be your humility. You are the ones who will not only make your own destiny but have a say in the entire country’s destiny."

Prof. Siva Krishnan, Director of IILM Institute for Business and Management, Gurgaon in his congratulatory address to the students stated that “I am sure, this is one of the most important occasions in your life where you all are eagerly waiting to hold the graduation certificate in your hand to chart the destiny of your career. This is also a day where you can take immense pride, as it is a reflection of the passion, determination, and hard work that you have exhibited over a period of two years that has finally bore the fruits.  I have no doubt that the fruits of your labor are going to be really sweet in the coming days. At the same time, it is equally important to be conscious of the fact that the world is changing fast and technology getting obsolete even before it completes its product life cycle.  Adaptability and skill set requirements have become a major challenge due to this fast-changing scenario and will continue to pose further challenges in the coming years. This has put theonus on all of you to be a continuous learner. And today, it is just the beginning of that process and not an end. I strongly believe, the capacity to learn is a great gift, the ability to learn is certainly a skill, and the willingness to learn is undoubtedly a choice.  I am happy that at IILM, all of you have got this mix absolutely right.”

Message from the Deans PGDM

Prof. Joyeeta Chatterjee, Dean of IILM Institute for Higher Education in her congratulatory address to the graduates said, “A new chapter is about to begin.  A myriad of new challenges and options are on your horizons. There are two different paths you can take now after graduation - either you can aspire to build big things and move ahead in life very fast or decide to ride a very comfortable journey, bearing no risk. Most of you are taught to think big! Build rocket ships by being patient and persistent. And most importantly be around people who want to build rocket ships. That is how you will succeed. I urge you to be focused and serious while trying to achieve your goal. However, in this process don't make your life too serious. Make it a habit to be happy while you solve all your difficulties in life. This is only the beginning. You are now going from a closed and protected classroom, to an open classroom. Do keep coming to your Alma Mater and share your success stories with us. Congratulations once again.”

Prof. Raju Majumdar, Dean of IILM Graduate School of Management, GreaterNoida inspired the students by saying that, “As you roe on from here and now, here is what I want to share with you for tomorrow and ever after… do make your bed every day, for an eye for the detail and this small achievement in the beginning will surely motivate you to take up and complete bigger and bigger tasks throughout the day, and if in the end you have a bad day, you have a bed already made to sleep it off. Never give an excuse and do not take a shortcut. Please remember the road to success is almost always a difficult one, but it is this journey that creates winners and separates them from the rest. Remember your school poems? Robert Frost and his ageless lines 

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I ---
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

When we meet again, I am sure you all will have lot of success stories to share. We will wait to hear from you always; do come back when you have time and help us grow.”

Prof. Vidhisha Vyas, Dean of IILM Institute for Business and Management, Gurgaon congratulated the young graduates and said “The world you inherit is beset with great challenges. Change is upon us – whether we want it or not. Yet – you have the greatest opportunity in generations: to be the architects and builders of a new world. You will not just be a cog in a big machine (as many of my generation were) but you will be a node in a vibrant network of engaged individuals. Your successes will be sweeter, and your disappointments will be easier to bear, if you have the love and support of family and friends. I end with this thought: Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.Wish you luck for your all future endeavours.”

The Convocation concluded with the National Anthem.

Monday, 16 October 2017

Teacher’s Day Celebrations at IILM

Teacher’s Day Celebrations at IILM

You Dream We Guide

Becoming a teacher requires strong conviction and utmost commitment. Teachers’ Day is celebratedto acknowledge the indispensable role of a teacher in guiding and preparing the students to not only chase their passion in the choicest field but also achieve their dreams by keeping their moral values and sense of social responsibility intact.

Dr. Radhakrishnan was born on 5th Sep 1888 and became the President of India in 1962. He was approached by a group of his students and friends with a request to allow them to celebrate his birthday. Dr. Radhakrishnan’s reply was “instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege if September 5 is observed as Teachers' day". This request showed Dr. Radhakrishnan’s love for the teaching profession. Whatever be the position he held whether as President or Vice President of India, he remained a teacher all his life. T The teaching profession always remained his first love. The highest award of the nation, The Bharat Ratna, was conferred on him in 1954 in recognition of his meritorious service to mankind.

The Cultural Club of IILM, one of Top Management college in Delhi-NCR celebrated this special day on Wednesday 5 September 2017 with utmost zeal. The students, who had been preparing for the grand event for more than a week, organised an appreciable show dedicated to their teachers. The students undertook a great effort in decorating the auditorium with intricate detailing and ensured that teachers are engaged and enjoy the event thoroughly. The event started with a melodious prayer followed by phenomenal dance performances, innovative music, and skit. The skit was the highlight of the event, there were giggles echoing all around the auditorium during the skit.

Amidst the extraordinary performances by students of IILM PGDM college, one of the Best B school of Delhi-NCR, there were innovative games like musical chair, tie-a-tie in 15 seconds challenge, drape-a-saree in 30 seconds challenge and Just a Moment (JAM) were conducted for the teachers by the students. The winners were gifted with yummy chocolates.

The efforts of the students were appreciated by all the teachers and we are thankful to our students for giving us beautiful memories to carry along until the next year.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Looking Ahead for The Future - IILM PGDM Convocation

Looking Ahead for The Future - IILM PGDM Convocation

The convocation ceremony for the 2015-2017 PGDM batch was held on 25th August 2017, with much pomp and splendour at the Top B school in Delhi NCR IILM Lodhi Road Campus in Delhi. Amidst the scenic beauty and serenity, the batch reconnected with each other and came together to celebrate the collective sense of accomplishments. As a new faculty, it was initially difficult for me to connect to the students who are getting graduated as one may not know them. however, I was assigned the duty at the registration desk along with another amazing newly joined and this helped us to know each and every student on the Top MBA college in India IILM LR campus, to say ‘Hi” to and yes register of course. what a great way to connect!! The last day on campus. no tension to attend classes or to appear for the exam. the joy simply reflected in wearing beautiful n smart dresses and looking extraordinary. the hug and selfies. And much more. The atmosphere was one of celebration inter mingled by some firm disciplinary yet ‘sweet’ scolding’s from the faculty and staff with whom they have spent some good as well as ‘challenging’ times!

It was a time to reminisce and look back at the two gruelling, adventurous, and life-changing years spent together. The students received their ceremonial robes and graduation caps and proceeded for the formal function.  The convocation marked the end of their journey as students, and marked the beginning of their climb up the corporate ladder. The guest lecture by the Chief guest, Mr. Bharat Kaushal, helped the students to value the education they received in past 2 years. within and without the classrooms!

The rains were an unexpected guest but it could not dampen the spirit of the attendees. the guests, parents, and faculty had a hearty chit chat and the atmosphere was nothing less than that of a celebration! I saw the whole Rai family, watching like a warm parent, the students whom they nurtured… with joy, pride and best wishes for their great future! The highlight of any convocation is the tossing of the hats in the air and so it was with one of the Aicte approved colleges  IILM with faculty running to save themselves from the flying hats! All in all, it was a day of joy, celebration, promises to stay connected and do well for oneself, others and yes carrying the honour and pride of being an IILM alumni.

Be the change! Be an Entrepreneur

Be the change! Be an Entrepreneur

The entrepreneur always searches for a change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity” - Peter Ducker

As rightly said, the entrepreneurial qualities in any individual needs to be developed from the very initial stage. The Indian society is estimated to be 72% Entrepreneur-friendly, where entrepreneurship is preferred over many other services. There has also been a steady increase in the number of women entrepreneurs in the country today. Today some of the major corporations are being operated by women, positioned in higher authoritarian positions.

The biggest example of this can be given by stating the example of Mrs. Indra Nooyi, who is the CEO of PepsiCo. A graduate of Chennai University and PGDM (MBA) from IIM Calcutta, she’s the perfect example of entrepreneurial and leadership qualities intertwined into one. But the major difficulty lies in finding and formulating entrepreneurs in the Indian scenario. Studies have suggested that more than 51.9% of the Indian entrepreneurs do not have entrepreneurship running in their family, but have chosen to be an entrepreneur on their own wish. With the lack of institutions for entrepreneurial study in our country, the birth of entrepreneurs has been rather sluggish in India…

IILM is one such institution that has successfully taken up the task of generating real entrepreneurs in the Indian scenario. IILM offers 2 years full-time residential PGDM program to cater to the development of all aspects of a successful entrepreneur. With an AICTE approved college, it increases the importance and reliability of the program. The atmosphere has been designed in a way to provide a complete balance of education along with a peace of mind and quality learning to the students. The education imparted to the students is done with the primary motive to make them industry-ready once they leave the campus.

The full-time PGDM program from Top B school in India at IILM is designed in such a way so as to make the students familiar with all aspects of entrepreneurship. The students are provided with an Extensive Industry Exposure, primarily through the numerous national and international internship opportunities that are undertaken by them. At IILM, we seek to provide a holistic learning experience to the students, instead of just bookish knowledge. Hence, the students are encouraged to think out of the box and come up with new innovations. The focus has been on bringing the inherent qualities of the students to the brim.

IILM being amongst Top B School in Delhi-NCR aims at giving the students an outright corporate exposure. During the series, illustrious people from the world of business hold interactive sessions with the students, in order to make them aware of the opportunities and the challenges that they would face once they take their step into the world of entrepreneurship! At IILM we try to transform the students into entrepreneurs by the time they cross to the other side of the gate! Our students are also provided with a 100% placement assistance to help grab their dream job. With an impeccable 100% placement track-record since our inception, we have been successfully developing the entrepreneurial and leadership qualities of the students and place them where they are best-suited.

So, in order to resurface the entrepreneur in you, all that you have to do is walk in through the gates at IILM and we assure you that you will leave being a successful entrepreneur, possessing the perfect blend of leadership and innovative qualities!

Monday, 21 August 2017

Pursue International Career through globally recognized PGDM program

Pursue International Career through globally recognized PGDM program

A program which helps you to gain international exposure and accurate knowledge about international business practices which opens up a number of job opportunities at the international level.

The demand for a Management degree has been on a rise over the recent years. Management is a profitable career avenue in today’s world that not only ensures you a hike in salary but also brings pride and respect to you in an organization. Management is not a new term in the world of business. Many managers and leaders require quality managerial skills on all fronts. The success of businesses depends on managerial skills. The global level management program is thus a field of business leadership which concentrates on quality control and organization of resources so as to meet the objectives of the business from a global perspective. In order to find your dream job, you need to be one step ahead of others. For this purpose, it is important to get an international exposure along with the right knowledge and skills.

Management programs have been offered by a number of AICTE approved MBA colleges all over the nation. However, not all these programs expose you to the world of business at the international level. Management has achieved immense scope worldwide. This has opened up a number of new opportunities for aspiring managers to pursue a job overseas. An important advantage of working abroad is that you gain plenty of knowledge about the international world and the managerial and business practices followed there. It builds in you the confidence to face global challenges and efficiently handle responsibilities.

PGDM programs, which are equivalent to an MBA program, have been widely introduced by institutions to train aspiring managers to become global entrepreneurs of tomorrow. It is important for a student, aiming for a global level career, to wisely choose the right program from the right institution that would help him go ahead in his life. Quality education and expert skills are inevitable for a manager in order to ensure the success of an organization. In the Global level management program, students gain the skill set to embark on a borderless career. The two-year program, facilitated by the IILM delivers a unique blend of management and international concepts to effectively lead in the global business environment. PGDM from Top B school in India cover core business topics such as project management and business communications to ensure that budding managers can be navigated in any business environment.

Some more benefits

  • The PGDM program challenges you to grow and make connections through various networking opportunities throughout the program.
  • Students who are successful in the program possess strong analytical and numeracy skills, are highly organized with an ability to plan and prioritize, thrive under pressure and have the ability to meet deadlines.
  • Successful graduates develop strong interpersonal skills, are innovative problem solvers and decision makers, are comfortable working within a team environment and have a willingness to learn new things

Realizing the need for world-class programs in management, IILM has introduced comprehensive best PGDM program in Delhi-NCR It includes Harvard based case studies, Career Trek modules, and Field Modules  It provides the students a right corporate international exposure by organizing international study tours and offering global internships and placement assistance. World-class amenities and an experienced and expert faculty render it as one of the best PGDM colleges in Delhi-NCR.

Thus, we can say that PGDM is meant to bridge together the three interrelated aspects of global management above though concentrating on a function of the business. Master’s in management is designed for all undergraduates and young professionals who are seeking to venture into global management settings in future. The program is meant to shape up the career lives for many leaders and managers in the modern world of liberal businesses.

Conquer the World of Finance with a Good PGDM Program

Conquer the World of Finance with a Good PGDM Program

Banking and Finance are the most rising and promising industry all over the world that promise to provide you with ample of growth opportunities if you have a PGDM degree in hand.

The Banking and Finance sector has been growing phenomenally in the recent years. A recent study has revealed that the Indian Economy has been projected to become the third largest economy in the world by 2025. This means there is tremendous scope with lots of opportunities in this field to make a successful career. A good PGDM program with global curriculum and well-experienced faculties opens the door for a prosperous future ahead for the ones looking for a career in Finance. A developing economy is a major indication of a country's progress and, in order to make valuable contributions to it, there is a need for skilled professionals in this field. Here comes the role of a PGDM course from Top B School in India which provides the right quality of education for future managers.

Banking and Finance is a complicated and challenging industry. Although it offers a great scope for progress, it brings with it a number of risks as the entire industry deals with monetary transactions. Accurate knowledge about the world economy and the traits of banking and finance all over the world is mandatory for a professional to become successful in this field. PGDM programs focusing on the right training for the budding managers in this sector have started coming up all over the country. There are a couple of points which every student should keep in mind for a successful career in Finance Industry.

1. Academic Qualification

There is no shortcut to knowing the basics of any subject. The same applies for banking and finance as well. IILM offers regular interactions with industry experts through Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Guest lectures and also provide industry knowledge by placing students for internships and final placements in well-reputed banks.

2. Are you prepared?

Having the knowledge is only one aspect that recruiters look for, but are you as the candidate offering yourself for the job prepared? As a candidate, it is your responsibility to do the homework on the bank you are applying to and to understand the requirements of that particular bank. IILM through its (CDC) Career Development Cell trains the students thoroughly in their placement sessions which include GD preparation, aptitude test practices, and dummy interview sessions. In a way, you need to show that you understand the recruiters' world and are ready to take your place in it.

3. Show your ability to think

Being part of the millennial generation, you have the potential to think outside the box. Highlight your ability to come up with new ideas and fresh perspectives to the recruiter. Remember that you will be able to come up with relevant new ideas only when you have a good understanding and knowledge of how the banking and finance sector works.

4. Teamwork

You cannot achieve everything by yourself. Remember to show that you are willing to work in teams and highlight relevant examples of your experience of working in teams. A recruit who is ready to share knowledge and work within a framework to complete his/her task is a great plus for any bank.

5. Motivation

Every recruiter is looking for motivated candidates. In the finance field, you are required to deliver in high-pressure situations. You need to show that the job is more than just the means of survival, that you are looking to exceed expectations and give more than that is required because you are passionate and motivated to reach the top of the ladder.

With a motive to train the budding managers to tackle all these challenges, many AICTE approved MBA colleges have introduced several management programs in this respect. IILM provides comprehensive specializations in Banking and Financial services, imparting the best possible industry-standard education to students. The program also includes international study tours which help the students acquire an international exposure and grasp the knowledge of practices followed internationally. Students can implement this acquired knowledge in the future for their prosperity. The institution also provides international internships and placement assistance thus making it the best MBA College in Delhi-NCR.

At last, we can conclude by saying that, all leading banks, as well as financial institutions all over the world, recruit managers and promising entrepreneurs with specialization in this field. There is a constant demand for professionals who would contribute to the development of the country through their expert knowledge and skills. Thus, a PGDM degree helps you build a promising career in one of the most flourishing industries in the world.

Monday, 7 August 2017

How PGDM in Marketing helps in making Careers Successful

How PGDM in Marketing helps in making Careers Successful

Marketing is an interesting and creative career and Post Graduate Diploma in Management with specialization in Marketing is an ideal course for the aspirants willing to enter this industry.

Remember your favourite TV ads or popular video? Do you remember the punch lines or tag lines used? Success of such ads or videos might depend on a single tag line or a basic punch line, but, much work goes into designing these ads, and much of it is done by marketing professionals. Marketing has been a most popular specialization in PGDM course for most of the students as it has many wide career prospects attached to it. Because every company needs to do marketing at some or the other level for making it aware to the public and for building itself as a brand. While anyone with the right abilities can become a marketing professional but those who earn PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) with specialization in marketing see higher paydays, better tasks, and more global opportunities.

A PGDM course is a master's level education program, designed specifically for company management. In these sessions, learners understand concepts of control and company. The Harvard case studies, lectures by experienced professors and industry experts help them in understanding the basic concepts of marketing and branding. They apply what they understand by planning regular tasks, and spend some time exploring financial models and planning research that helps them understand why companies are successful or fall short. Marketing is a popular expertise in PGDM because of the advantages it gives learners when they finally complete the program from a reputed private institution.

One of the Top b-school in Delhi-NCR is IILM. This is the ultimate choice for applicants with exceptional interaction abilities and ability to study the industry styles, opponents, and items. One should have a good convincing power to sell its products to the customers. Usually, promotion and sales field are associated with each other in companies. Students mix marketing and sales but, it's altogether different thing. And the skills that are required may be somewhat similar but the task is totally different from one another.  This program is designed for improving the professional and authority control techniques within the applicants. Later on, these applicants become supervisors who are qualified enough to target customer styles, industry techniques, exploring the industry and product control in many different sectors.

Market styles regionally and worldwide may vary based on the type of audience resolved. Nowadays, Digital marketing is in the boom and every company may it be big or small is striving to market its product or services digitally. IILM provides electives of Digital marketing also.  PGDM in Marketing includes Brand management, Sales and distribution management, customer relationship management, luxury management and much more. PGDM from Top b school in India provides with the important tools in segregating industry viewers and creating promotion techniques according to their choice. Advertising provides with the control of cost management, exploring and working with advertising. A step further is an Entertaining promotion that provides in creating promotion software applications. Through this added feature, you can industry items on the Internet.

At last, we can say that Marketing is home to some of the more interesting new styles in the company. If a student wants to be a part of this exciting industry, a PGDM in Marketing is often required, since educational institutions offer training about the new techniques before companies do. The PGDM Colleges in Delhi-NCR like IILM focus on incorporating the latest knowledge about the newest trends in the field of marketing and this helps the students to be ahead of others while applying for a job.

Be a Strategic Manager with a Good PGDM program

Be a Strategic Manager with a Good PGDM program

Correct usage of strategic management techniques can take a company to the heights and learning strategic management becomes possible via a PGDM program from a top B-school in India or abroad.

Strategic Management includes preparing the business strategy of the entire organization and aiming daily operational choices with that technique. A technique needs a clear definition, which means the strategic control procedure must involve the cooperation of supervisors and other workers throughout the organization. The role of Strategic managers is increasing day by day because of the advancement in technology, change in government regulation, global environment, and many other factors. Through the strategic planning, an organization can achieve its objectives.

One way to acquire detailed knowledge and practically design the strategic moves for the company is with the Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) program. This two-year full time integrated program which is offered by one of the prestigious and one of the Top B-Schools in India named IILM with its 3 centrally located campuses in Delhi-NCR. IILM is the unique destination for the aspirants ready to learn and practice strategic management. The Faculties are IIM's pass out and deliver an in depth knowledge lectures to the students and give them a practical approach to the subject which helps them in the future goals.
Strategic control is designed to help organization management move the company into an aggressive place in the organization industry. Strategic management includes Porter's five forces model, Competitive analysis, and other methods which help the company monitor its business model closely.  These methods ease in running the business in a structured way and help in improving the effectiveness of the business. Each goal in a strategic control is applicable to achieving the preferred place. Before the strategy can be written, the senior control group must define the preferred target for the organization in the industry. Spending sources on organizational activities that don't link to the strategic objectives are not validated.

Strategic control requires an ongoing commitment from the group. Once a preferred place in the marketplace is reached, a corporation must maintain and improve it through new strategic objectives. With the ongoing uncertain change in the economic environment in India and abroad, one should be prepared in every sense to counter the unseen challenges which can be harmful, if not analysed properly. This is essential because it keeps the manager of each organization unit focused on internal improvement. Ideal control is also essential in demanding sections to work together for combined objectives and benefits. All these essential strategies are incorporated amongst the students through the PGDM program at one of the Top B School in Delhi-NCR and AICTE approved colleges.

As a company uses strategic control preparing to negotiate its industry place, it increases its aggressive benefits. It makes more use out of the same sources through better resource allowance. For example, some organizations, such as some public agencies and small companies, create a fixed price range for the season. A tactically managed organization looks outward and surveys its organization place throughout the season. It dynamically allocates price range funds so that inflexibility in budgeting does not decrease its aggressive benefits.

So, we can make out from the above points that it is necessary to consider all of the sources of the organization, such as workers, technology and organization knowledge, and how best to organize them into organizational processes while taking strategic decisions. Each organizational procedure will play an essential role in meeting its specific objectives in support of the strategic objectives of the organization and these strategic planning objectives are well taught by the international as well as native industry personnel at this Top management institute in India.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Opportunity in Operations with a Good PGDM Course

Opportunity in Operations with a Good PGDM Course

Have you ever noticed that besides the Marketing, Finance and HR specializations, Operations also carry a lot of good opportunities with it?  This blog will talk about the scope of Operations management as far as good career options are concerned and some myths about this specialization.  In simple words, Operations Management is one of the core functions of any company, whether it produces a product, provide services or solutions, and is present in private or public sector both.

Now, the PGDM course from a Top B-school in India offers Operations as the core specialization which can be opted with Marketing, Finance or HR. Colleges give three options while choosing specialization. One is that student can take all the credits of a single specialization which is called core in management terms. Second is that they can take a Major-minor options wherein they take more subjects of one specialization and less of other. Third is the dual specialization where the subjects are equally distributed.

The operation’s management part of the organizations is usually headed by the Chief operating officer (COO) or Chief executive officer (CEO) and some other similar profiles in different companies. The best part of the operations department is that it has to deal with every department of the company, namely Marketing, finance, HR, customer support, strategy/planning, technology and many others. This raises the responsibility of the operations manager towards the working of the company.  In IT dept., you can always find the operations related person.

The Operations management consists of subjects like Supply chain management, Project management, and Operation engine 1 and 2, and many other logistics related subject which helps the students from learning the basic of Operations to advanced level.

During 3 months internship period after the end of 1st year, they experience the working of operations department in a practical way which makes their interest in operations more concrete. They experience the applications of the skills, strategies and methods learned in the course through the projects they undertake during the internship. PGDM from a Top management institute in Delhi-NCR like IILM delivers a practical course which helps them in making careers in Operations. There is a myth that only students with engineering background have good scope in operations because of the coding and knowledge of technical terms. But it’s not the reality, because PGDM course from a Top b school in India helps in preparing student as a dynamic manager who can take care of any department of the company.

So, we can conclude by saying that Operations Management plays a big role in the development and growth of any company in many different ways. With Globalization, the scope of operations related roles are increasing day by day and with the advancement in automation and technology, many departments are being opened under the Operations head. The international exposure, industrial visits, international faculties, helps to maintain a balance between learning and applications. So, non-engineers, you can certainly go ahead and follow your interest in operations management specialization 

Monday, 17 July 2017

IILM PGDM Placements - Prospects of a Bright Future

IILM PGDM Placements - Prospects of a Bright Future

Making Dreams Come True

Dreams have different many different facets for different people and the ones who have succeeded have dreamed in their life. But what is the dream of a PGDM student pursuing a Management course from a Top B-school in India? Through this article, we will see that How a PGDM degree can help making dreams come true for PGDM aspirants.

Steps for the Bright Future: The IILM PGDM Journey

IILM helps students in exploring placement opportunities by inviting companies for campus recruitment. The final placements at IILM are a culmination of systematic and continued interaction with industry, and ongoing and enduring counseling as well as grooming of the students by mentors and Career Development Centre (CDC).  Everything goes step by step to make the process smooth and steady. There are Pre-placement talks organized by the CDC team where both 1st and 2nd year students are encouraged to attend. This is so because this helps the 1st year students know what companies are expecting from them at the end of the program for recruitment purpose. And for the 2nd year, it is a chance to buckle up their preparation for cracking the companies and to clear their doubts regarding final placements. After that, they meet the officials directly on the day of Interview.

There is a very interesting fact about the placements that I would like to share with you all. Fact is that you don’t need to be a topper for getting good placements but yes; cgpa matters in some company’s case. Basically, it is based on the overall performance because nowadays companies need an employee that is an all-rounder and not just a Bookworm. They see the interest in the sports, co-curricular activities, traveling and also exploring new ideas. There are many companies which have recruited students from IILM. Companies like Amazon, Grail Research, INTEX, Naukri.com, Protiviti, HDFC, Edelweiss, Kotak Mahindra, Oxigen, Tybros, Keysight Technologies (off shoot of HP), Oyo rooms, PWC, Floret, Evoque, Bonton Cables, Icons, Fortis Health care, Methodix Systems, Yes Bank, Spandana Sphoorty Financial Limited, Marico etc. etc.

There are 5 main specializations which Top B-schools in Delhi-NCR like IILM provide to PGDM course pursuing students. Those are Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations and International Business. The average package that goes every year comes to 7.5 LPA. Maximum students opt for Marketing Profile followed by International Business, Finance, HR and Operations.  Alumni also play a big role in the coordination of CDC team in helping to provide placements to their juniors. The One Month Global Study Program also helps them gain the Global exposure and make them Global Managers. The management college also allows students to go for International summer internships to grab the global opportunity and get an overall development.

So, this concludes that the dynamic cultures provided in PGDM Institute, which is an AICTE approved college, gives it an edge over the competition in terms of Placement and Exposure. This ultimately leads its PGDM students to achieve the Dream Job and a Bright Future. The events conducted during the 2 year Journey enlightens the students with the Practical corporate world and make them ready for the Interviews of Campus Placements.

Be ready to explore the opportunity of Internships, Live projects, Placements with the IILM corporate tie-ups which guarantee a Bright and Successful Future.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Corporate Exposure With PGDM


PGDM Program - An Ideal Destination for Aspiring Managers

Businesses nowadays are more concerned about recruiting those Graduates who are having a good amount of corporate exposure with them. That's why they remain keener to take students who have a prior experience in the corporate culture. The culture makes them efficient and multi-talented. With these skills, the businesses grow and believe me they grow well. So what happens if they don't have the experience and want to achieve their goals in business management? Here comes the role of a good PGDM Institute. The learning they get in the environment of a Top B-school of India results in their holistic development, and with that they secure a good position in a company and in the market.

What do these PGDM colleges do for providing such a great corporate exposure? The events planned by these colleges throughout the 2-year journey which includes the Alumni Meetup, Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Guest Lectures, contribute to this cause. With several years of experience and efforts, the Industry professionals convey a ground reality of the corporate culture which many of the students pursuing PGDM are unaware of and have several myths regarding that. They get a chance to speak their minds and clear their doubts which would otherwise take a lot of pain in getting. Most of the Top B-schools in India have separate Placement cell which has the responsibility of arranging these events and providing the required exposure to the students. This is what makes Post Graduate Diploma in Management an ideal destination for making careers in Management fields.

Gaining Exposure

What makes the program more interesting? The knowledge that is imparted to the students, theoretical as well as practical, by the well-experienced faculty makes it worth. This helps them in their future because it develops them as Leader, An Entrepreneur, A good Planner, A good Manager and more skills can be developed if taken this course seriously. As such one should be sure to take admissions in the AICTE approved colleges only. The list can be seen on the AICTE website.

Reason being the continuous Industrial Visits, Conferences, Alumni Interaction makes it the Best option for pursuing PGDM. Being a Tech-savvy institute, IILM makes the best use of Wi-Fi enabled campus by teaching through videos, brainstorming by simulation exercise and much more. A Large part is played by the projects that are being allotted in these 2 years which is purely industry related. The FIELD course which consists of making a Business Plan gives a remarkable exposure to the students which prove very beneficial for the future. There are many courses and assignments which are taught by International Faculty members from our Partnered Universities and Colleges. They give an International exposure to a student which is the need of an hour as the companies are going Global these days. So these Visits, Events, Course curriculum, International faculties, and placements add to the unmatchable exposure to the students at Top B-schools in India like IILM.

Monday, 26 June 2017

PGDM - Sure shot key to Corporate Success

PGDM - Sure shot key to Corporate Success

In current times, every company needs a group of expert professionals to endure the competitive business atmosphere. However, a manager must be qualified enough to handle the difficulties a company encounters throughout its existence. Competent experts pass on their capabilities on to others through management education institutions. Management institutions among the Top 10 MBA colleges are spread across the world in great numbers. However, the role of a B-school is not limited to educational progression or improvement of understanding as a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) program from Top 10 MBA colleges concentrates on developing knowledge and improving the capabilities vital in order to sustain in the corporate atmosphere. Some of these competencies include company research and decision making capabilities, group capabilities, interaction and leadership ability.

In a recent study, it has been found that there will be large demand for management professionals in India in the next five years. This is the reason why a huge number of students from Top 10 MBA colleges are now concentrating upon high quality management education and this has enabled many educational institutions to offer two year full time PGDM course program. There is always a discussion among the prospective students as to which course is better- PGDM or MBA. When opinions of many experienced personnel were taken into consideration, it was observed that PGDM program is equivalent to the MBA program and in some of the aspects, it is even better than MBA.

PGDM and its benefits
PGDM program which is offered by AICTE approved colleges is industry oriented and is perfectly suited for the students who are interested in making a long term career in the field of business administration. One more advantage of PGDM program is that the course curriculum is periodically updated as per the requirement of the industry and this helps the aspirants to acquire the most up-to-date knowledge of their field. The specialization options available in the PGDM program enlighten the students about the specific subjects and enable them to be the jack of all & master of one.

Although, there are many best B-Schools in India which offers PGDM course program, there is one B-school which is unique and truly understands that in order to survive in this fast paced competitive age, one has to be innovative. Through its global curriculum this institute named IILM encourages leadership & entrepreneurship development as this out of the box initiative permits the candidates to take up creative projects and thereby learn the business strategies as per the practical world’s requirements.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

How to choose a PGDM Specialization?

Once you have decided to the pursue PGDM program, the next step is to opt for a specialization. It is a very crucial decision for a management aspirant to choose a stream. This is because you have to spend two years studying the subjects related to it. Also, the recruiters will hire you based on your specialization. Almost every college providing PGDM course has almost same type of specialization. For instance, if you have pursued PGDM in HR then you will be hired by a recruitment firm for the role of an HR. These are mostly in aicte approved colleges in India.

How to choose a PGDM Specialization?

What are the different types of specializations for PGDM course?

PGDM in Finance

Post Graduate Diploma in Finance covers finance management, cost accounting, mergers and acquisition, etc. Finance is the life blood of any organization irrespective of its size, location or nature of business. A management degree in finance will open many doors for you.

PGDM in Human Resource Management

It is said that manpower is the backbone of every organization. An HR is a person in any organization who hires the employees based on the requirement and deals with their overall work and development. As an HR, you get to deal with talent acquisition, payroll, industry trends, government regulations, performance management, organization insights and much more.

PGDM in Operations

PGDM in operations is focused more on the technical subjects. You will get to learn six sigma principles, quality management, logistics, etc. The concepts of effectiveness and efficiency of any organizations revolve around the operation management.

PGDM in Marketing

Marketing is the most dynamic field. It involves brand management, marketing strategies, advertising, business trends and patterns.
Nowadays, there are a number of other specializations too, like tourism, supply chain management, retail, etc. These specializations are mostly taken up by professionals who have gained relevant experience in that field.

Steps to Choose PGDM Course Specialization

Students should consider a few basic factors before they choose a specialization. It often happens that students choose a particular specialization while enrolling for a PGDM course in Delhi-NCR or other places. However, they hop to the other in the second year of their course. It is highly recommended that you should think from various perspectives before you make a choice and then be firm on it.

Goals and aspirations

It is most important that you should have definite goals for yourself. If you think you are more technically inclined, operations is an ideal choice for you. In case you are more of a people’s person who understands human psychology, you are suitable for HR role or marketing. Similarly, if you aspire to be an investment banker or like to play with numbers, go for finance. Look out for top management colleges in India for more information on this topic.

Educational background

It is said that people from engineering background should go for a specialization in operation. If you have some experience or degree in accounts, it is needless to say that finance is your field. A more creative individual should choose marketing. You can think on the same lines for HR.

PGDM College

Once you are sure about your aims and interest, choose top MBA colleges in India that offers the desired specialization. The college should provide placement opportunities. Another key point, make sure that the college or university has the necessary accreditations and approvals.

Friday, 21 April 2017

MBA Courses for your Better Future

One of the most prestigious courses in our country is Masters of Business Administration (MBA). This degree is significant because they provide excellence in the chosen subject along with overall knowledge of all management subjects.

It is very important to find a right course for your profile and growth. If you are an MBA aspirant, make sure to understand your subject of interest and then go for the course. There are many MBA courses in Delhi, you can opt for, some of which are mentioned below.

MBA in Finance: Finance stream is one of the popular courses, that is popular among the aspirants. It gives a detailed knowledge of costing, budgeting, International Finance, Capital Management, etc. This expertise prepares you well to handle the financial department of any organisation, plus banking sector is continuously in search of such candidates.

MBA in Marketing: Another fondly chosen subject by MBA candidates is marketing. Searched out by multi-national companies and reputed institution, MBA in Marketing graduates step on to thousands of opportunities. It makes you efficient enough to strategize and develop business ideas, to enhance the company's evolution. Few roles that will fit you with marketing are a Marketing manager, Product Manager, Sales Manager, Market research analyst, Corporate Sales manager, etc.

MBA in International Business (IB): With the increase in the globalisation, international companies are stepping up to the Indian market. Apart from that, in look out for a better future and chances many professionals consider moving abroad. To have a better understanding of the how international market works, studies of International Business is important. It imparts skills pertaining to specialise in subjects like finance, marketing, development, etc.

MBA in Health Care: MBA is healthcare covers every detail on the business associated concerns in health care sector. It makes you efficient to deal with the specific issues of management and structural working of the hospital and related institutes. After the degree, you'll be taking care of supervisory functions of the hospital. You get opportunities in Healthcare IT, Wellness Centers, Primary Healthcare chains, etc.

These are few courses you can opt for if you are looking for a degree that provides you with excellence and heights of success in your future. To go for MBA courses in Delhi, IILM is an institute that gives out the best of this professional degree to its candidates.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Some full proof preparation tips for MBA

It is a proven fact that a career with an MBA degree is successful and one of most fulfilling thing ever. One isn’t just secure a place in a good post job but also financial security comes with it all.
Usually, aspirants want to make a career in 3 sectors of MBA- Finance, Marketing and Human resources.  But before anything, one must work hard to get that degree. Here, we present some tips for you to take inspiration from so that you end up in a good MBA College in Delhi NCR. If you are keen on knowing about it, then read on below -

·         Collect the study material : Before anything, you must collect the study material to go forth with. Divide your subjects for which you are preparing and then begin the process of collecting the important study material. Books, online papers, guides, hand me down notes from seniors around; all of it will help in the long run. Expand your learning scope and study hard from the notes and material. But never hoard too much and spend time judiciously.

·         Set a schedule : To be able to spend time judiciously, one must set a schedule for studies. Invest time appropriately and don’t while it away. Be sure of the syllabus and the notes you have accumulated. Make time schedule to pursue a comprehensive approach towards studying.

·         Work on skills : To sustain oneself in a B school, one must continuously work on skills like language and communication, public speaking for one. Practice in front of the mirror or a friend. Make sure you don’t stammer. Keep yourself well poised and have strong knowledge of the world around. Your general knowledge should be on point so read and learn from different sources.

Work on these tips and make your way to a coveted MBA college in Delhi. 

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Grab Better Career Opportunities With Management Degree

A manager is an individual responsible for pulling people and a project collectively. A management degree is the ticket for becoming that individual and get such sorts of career opportunities. A degree like MBA in Human resource development helps one gaining an awareness of the procedure for direction - the rules of organization, the importance of division of labor and allotment of resources and the importance of an official hierarchy in bigger organizations. In case your objective is to move into a managerial position or improve your present role in direction, then you have to have great rhetoric abilities, logical linear thinking, and comfort and proficiency in direction.

MBA colleges in Delhi help one to develop effective interpersonal abilities, foster decision making and entrepreneurial thinking. These management programs also make one familiar with most diverse business environments. The abilities you develop may be applied to areas like personnel management, organizational behaviour, creation, international and small business, health care, government agencies, financial institutions, telecoms, hospitality, and instruction. If you are sure to build a career in management field then you should decide your field as early as possible.

A management level degree from top MBA colleges in India gives you with higher flexibility and value in the extremely competitive business job market. The duties of somebody on a managerial position typically include managing daily operations, creating business policy, and controlling the utilization of products and HR. In some businesses, these professionals jobs might overlap with the duties of CEOs. A management analyst or advisor is frequently hired on a contract basis by organizations that are experiencing major changes in operations. If a business undergoes rapid growth, a merger, or downsizing, they could benefit from have an outside expert are available in to work with the present administration team. As a management consultant, you will analyze the current state of an organization, analyze their goals and resources, and after that present the results and your suggested alternatives to any outstanding issues.

Friday, 13 January 2017

MBA Understanding Its Importance

The formula of carving a successful career for yourself is being clear about your likes and goals. For instance, if you wish to make a profession in Information technology, then you can select IT classes like MCA, BCA or MSc. However, if you want to make a profession in operation direction, human resource or marketing then Master of Business Administration is the most right option for you. 
Masters in business administration from some of the best MBA colleges in India is best suited for those who would like to make money. MBA is the most famous course all over India and around the world because it guarantees a high lucrative job opportunity after graduation. Master of Business Administration degree is for those people who think that they are capable of handling the pressure of the highly aggressive corporate world. 

In an MBA course, a student learns about business management, company techniques, management techniques, leadership abilities and operation direction in great detail. All the subjects are quite challenging and students are given tough projects on the weekly and monthly basis. During the first year all students study the same subjects but during the second year of MBA, they learn about their chosen specialization. If you are lucky enough to get into one of the top MBA colleges in Delhi then you must take a specialization that best fits your needs and conditions. Evaluate each type of Master of Business Administration Degree and select what is best for you. 

Getting admission in one of the best MBA colleges in the country is truly a tough job. One may have to toil day and night to get a high CAT or MAT score. Once you are through with the entrance test with flying colors, the next important task is making a list of all the good colleges that you can get in. This process is going to be confusing and intensive. Rather than concentrating on the rank of the college, you should focus on the course type that you are interested in. Do extensive internet research, ask your peers, and consult your teachers to make the right choice.      

MBA degree is usually done by those people who wish to make a career in corporate world or interested in starting their own business. Doing this course is definitely not a cakewalk but if you are able to get through it with flying colors then you are sure to achieve amazing heights in your career.